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How cancer develop

 The organs in our body are made up of cells. Cells devided and multiply as the body needs them. When these cells continue multiplying when the body doesn’t need them, the result  is mass or growth, also called a tumour. These growth are considered either benighted or malignant. Benign is considered non-cancerous and malignant is cancerous. Benign tumors rarely are life threatening and do not spread to other parts of the body. They can often be removed. Malignant tumors how ever often invade nearby tissue and organs spreading the disease.

How cancer spread to other parts of the the body.
The cells with in malignant tumors have the ability to invade neighbouring tissues and organs, thus spreading the disease. It is also possible for cancerous cells to break free from the tumor site and enter the blood stream, spreading the disease to other organs. This process of is called metastasis. When cancer had metastases and had affected other areas of the body, the disease is still referred to the organ of origination. For example, if cervical cancer spreads to the lungs, it is still called cervical cancer, not lung cancer although most cancers develop and spread this way-- via an organ – blood cancer like leukemia do not. They affect the blood and the organs that form blood and then invade nearby tissues.
More theories on the causes of cancer.

The lymph theory developed in the 17th century, replacing Hippocrates black bile theory on the cause of cancer. The discovery of the lymphatic system gave new insight to what may cause cancer.
It was believed that abnomalities in the lymphatic system was the cause.
It’s wasn’t until the late 19th century that Rudolph Virchow how recognised that cells even cancerous cells, derived from other cells.

Other theories surfaced, such as cancer being caused by trauma, parasites, and it was thought that cancer may spread “like a liquid.” It was later concluded that cancer is spread through malignant cells by German surgeon, Karl Thiersch. In 1926 a Nobel prize was wrong fully awarded for the discovery of the cause of stomach cancer a worm. The 20th century saw the greatest progression in cancer research. Research identifying carcinogens, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and better means of diagnosis were discovered. Today, we are able to cure some types of cancer, and research is still going on clinical trials and research studies are out key to finding a cure, or a definitive method of prevention.
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